Seal the Leaking Tax Basket to Save the Taxes
Payment and collection of tax is very important in the development of a country. It is the only way government raises money to fund development projects. Quite of recent, the government sought to widen the tax net in order to raise enough revenue to fund development needs of the people. The opposition was opposed to the introduction of new taxes. They explained that the Ghanaian is being over burden with too many taxes. In fact I agreed with the opposition's stand. Here is my reason for agreeing with the opposition. The 'pockets' into which the taxes are being collected are 'torn' and therefore cannot keep good account of what has been collected. This is what is happening to the taxes the poor man pays everyday. If you are in this situation, where the taxes that are collected cannot be accounted for as it only find their ways into private pockets, how can you have enough to expend on projects? In view of that, I have always maintained that the solu...