In this series as captioned above, I want us to discuss our environment. It is extremely important to know your environment in order to ensure your personal safety and the safety of those around you. Your environment can be your house, inside your car, inside a plane, your office, the street, school, hospital. Generally speaking, it refers to wherever you find yourself at a given time. It does not have to necessarily be enclosure. Apart from your house and perhaps your car which are considered your most immediate environments and which you’re very familiar with, you need to be given orientation on those other environments that are a bit remote to you. Let’s look at a few examples: when you board a flight, a flight attendant would explain to you all the safety measures you need to take during an emergency. For instance he would show you all the exit points on the flight, emphasising that you must use the nearest one during an emergency. When you work in an of...
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